Why CorZilius / CorCilius? Well my name is CorZilius, but in my research I found that the root name (latin from the early Roman sentries that settled in what is now Germany) is spelled CorCilius. As I continued researching the name I found a fairly wide degree of variations (Kor..., CorS, etc.). There are many reasons for the variations, ranging from different dialects the ancestors moved through, language standardization (e.g. Germanic language), as well as immigration. In the pages following you will find genealogical data that maps not only my family ancestors; but also the name as it was altered over the years. I hope you will find it as interesting as I have.
Some Name Variations Found: Carcilius, Carzilius, Conzelius, Corcelius, Corcilii, Corcilius, Corciliuss, Corculuis, Cornelius, Corselius, Corsilius, Cortilius, Cortselius, Courtselius, Corzealious, Corzelious, Corzelius, Corzilius, Corzillius, Crolius, Korcelius, Korzelios, Korzelius, Korzilis, Korzilius, van Corcelius and I'm still looking!
Our Genealogy:
Family Ancestors -- The family tree and relations. Here you will find family ancestry that include the names Binckley, Borror,
Clifton, Coolbaugh, Corzilius, Corcilius, Korzelius, Korzilius, McPherson, Ridenour, Shover, Southward, Stroder, Tschudi, Wainwright and many more...
Don't forget to send an email (see bottom of page) and update me on any people or dates you find wrong or missing!
Please, any information on the Corcilius lineage before the mid 1600s would be greatly appreciated!
This would include information sources for families, migrations, etc..
Also, I am presently looking for a link between Corc/zilius and Corcelius.
-- Thank you!
Kinship report, Brian Corzilius -- Ancestrial relationships between those within the family tree and Brian Corzilius (pdf format).
C. Corcilius Spica -- The earliest ancestor found so far (C. Corcilius Spica, citizen of Berua in Retia, died ~100 AD)
Corc/zilius Verbal History, Narrative #1 -- Roots as a Centurion?
Corc/zilius Verbal History, Narrative #2 -- A family story.
Corc/zilius Verbal History, Narrative #3 -- Musings on pottery as well as the CorZilius variant.
Corc/zilius Verbal History, Narrative #4 -- Family lineages.
Corc/zilius Verbal History, Narrative #5 -- Notes on the region in Germany where our ancestors come from as well as pottery and name variations.
Corc/zilius Verbal History, Narrative #6 -- More name variations, this time from Holland.
Corc/zilius Verbal History, Narrative #7 -- A different theory as to the name origin from the Adendorf region of Germany.
Corc/zilius Verbal History, Narrative #8 -- Corcilius of Belguim (or French) origins?.
Maps of Family Ancestral Area -- Maps of the German region of ancestry.
Family Crests -- Family Coat of Arms (Armorials).
Ancestral Images -- Images of family ancestors.
More on Info on the Pottery-Family Associations:
Ancestral Stein & Pottery Stamps -- A (growing) collection of family 'steinmarken'.
The Land of Westerwald -- A little about "Kannenbäckerland".
A History of Westerwald Pottery
Westerwald Potter's Timeline
Potters in Early America
More Potters in Early America
The data presented herein is a work in progress. Names change during language standardization, immigration, etc. and
I make no claims as to its accuracy nor its completeness. At the same time, I welcome comments and additions. I would also
welcome the opportunity to swap GEDCOM files...
The data presented on this web site is not to be used commercially. It may be freely used privately.
I dedicate this site to my Father, David Shover Corzilius,
who passed away February 24, 2003 (obituary; memorium).
Much of the core data for this genealogy was painstakingly collected by him over the years and thousands of miles of travel.
I also dedicate this site to my Grandmother, Pauline Clifton (Alice Pauline Southward) of Circleville Ohio (USA),
who passed away June 15, 2012 (obituary),
and who virtually created the Pickaway County Genealogical Library (304 S. Court Street)
and has contributed much to its operation over the years. I am indebted to both of you, and for many reasons beyond just genealogy...
I must also give appreciation to Ricki, Ernst, Christel and Gunther {Corcilius} (Australia), Andrea, Fritz, Mario and Ulrike {Corcilius} (Germany), Cynthia and Candice {Corzilius} (USA) -- without their help, this wouldn't have been possible.
Lastly, I must thank Hennie Korzelius (Holland), Herbert and Rudolf Corzilius (Germany), and Dick Shover (USA) for their extensive contributions as well as everyone who has sent corrections or
extensions to family lineages I post.
For my dear sister Cynthia Elaine Corzilius, 10/06/1962 - 7/01/2004
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk
mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or
say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles
exploding like spiders across the stars...
- Jack Kerouac
She spent the last years in pain but she had dreams of a better place.
I will miss her dearly... (more)
Other Links (non-genealogy, Brian's...):
Business / resume
Misc. Papers
Skyview Project
For questions or comments about this web site, send email to:
Copyright © 2003-2021 Brian Corzilius. All rights reserved.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Last modified: May 25, 2021
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